Parent Resources
Doors open for students at 9:00 AM. Students must be in their homerooms by 9:30 AM. The parent drop off door closes promptly at 9:25 AM. Even if cars are in line on the lot, the parent drop off door will close at 9:25 AM. This is to ensure the safety of our students and to make sure students arrive in their classrooms on time. Students that arrive in their homerooms after 9:30 AM will be marked tardy (late) to school. If your child is late to school, please bring your child to the front office to sign them in for the day. Dismissal begins at 4:00 PM.
If your child is absent, a note from the parent/guardian must be sent to school. When possible, please contact school the morning of the absence via phone or email. Reporting the absence in advance helps inform the teachers and enables them to prepare work for the student to complete (when applicable). Please send an email to: to report your child's absence. Please include the student's name, grade, homeroom teacher and reason for the absence. Any absences without notes will be coded as unlawful.
All extended absences must be pre-approved in advance by an administrator. You can request approval by sending a letter to the Principal.
Please feel free to contact the office staff should you have any questions at (410) 751-3242.
Health room info
New medication forms are needed every school year. Blank medication forms are available from the nurses or the CCPS website at Medications need to be brought to school by a parent/legal guardian along with a completed CCPS medication form. Controlled medications need to be counted with nurse when first brought to school. Students CANNOT transport medications to or from school. The prescription label on the bottle must match the completed CCPS medication form. All prescription medication must have a prescription label on them. This includes inhalers, epipens, as well as medication bottles. No medication will be accepted without the correct prescription label and a completed CCPS medication form also matching the prescription label. If there is a situation where a bottle is needed at home as well as at school, ask the pharmacy to provide an extra labeled medication bottle for school. All medications require a parent and doctor signature and CCPS medication form. This includes over-the-counter medications. Also, please provide unopened medication containers which don’t expire until the end of the school year.
If your child sustains an injury or has had a surgery, per CCPS policy, a physician's note is required to be given to the school nurse. You can have the physician write a doctor's note or you can have your physician complete the return to school form to the school nurse.
More Information
Click on the CCPS Health Services link for information concerning CCPS Policies and Procedures and to download any forms that maybe needed for your child to attend school please click this link CCPSMedicationForm.pdf. (medical, dental, physical, surgery, medications).
We also request that, if your child is ill, has a fever, is vomiting that they remain home until symptom free 24 hours. Attendance is very important, however, it is as important for our students and staff to minimize the amount of contagious germs spread during the day. If your child has a fever of 100F or greater, Carroll County Public Schools has initiated a new policy as recommended by the Center for Disease Control. This policy states that children with a fever of 100F or greater cannot return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducer (Motrin or Tylenol).
For more information, please contact our school nurse. Caitlyn Burroughs,
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is Carroll County Public Schools’ portal for parents. It allows parents/guardians to login and view information pertaining to their child. The Home Access Center is provided for the express use of the parents of Carroll County Public School District students to assist in the communication of important educational information. The goal of the Home Access Center is to assist you in effectively communicating with the teachers,
staff, and administration about your student. Click the icon below to go to the website.
Informational Calendar/ Parent & Student Handbook
Click the link above to view the calendar handbook.
Consent and Release
Permission to Photograph, Videotape or Audiotape
Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school activities and may use your child’s photograph, video image, or voice for educational, informational, or public relations purposes, with or without identification by name.
If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things as a video or a photograph, or on the school or school system website or social media, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, videotaped, or having their image placed on a school website by the school system unless such notification is received.
There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits a school). If you do not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your concerns directly to the school involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has no control over the media when they are covering activities such as sporting events and musical programs that are open to the public.
Use of Student Work on Websites or in Publications
There may be times throughout the year when the Carroll County Public School System wishes to display student work on school websites, social media, or in publications. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, writing, etc. appear on school websites, social media, or in publications, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their child’s work being displayed on school websites, social media, or in publications unless such notification is received.